December 19, 2008

what is

this morning, god is the sunlight seeping through a cracked window pane, playing patterns on top of already patterned walls.
he's the empty bottle of shiraz, lying naked and abused at my feet
a culprit
a victim
a life snuffed out in a single night
but with a destiny fulfilled.

he's the hearty voiced butcher singing out his sales in the market street below
clicking heels on cobblestone streets are his accompaniment,
a woman hestitantly brushing her eyes along his fares, glazing them with scrutiny,
his only audience.

he is my weathered fingers typing with careless ease
he is my neat eyebrows furrowed in perpetual unease

he's [the clock ticking away] saying hurry, don't be late
but then he's the cushion on the armchair, folding me within 
conforming to me
resting on me as i rest on him 
or so he states in his laws
making me wait till the last second melts away
releasing me from his own enchantment of time
cheating just so i can see what's beyond

this morning, god is whatever i want him to be.

December 9, 2008

so selfish

i am a completely muddled being, so engrossed by the texture of my fingers that i never stop to feel what they have been touching. 

i ignore the patterns all around me 
it's sickening to know that there is a limitation in existence that i have planted and cultivated myself, with my own two unfeeling hands. 
how to see
how to condition oneself into sensitivity
what is the point if we aren't caring
how is that we can care in a past and forget in a future
is remembering caring?
or is it renewing your disattachment, a seal to the cold shoulder
i am delving, here i am falling
please let me land in a sea of revelations
or if not that then at least a clean break from the self induced drugs; the blindness.

i wrote this in a place i didn't mean to
somehow it seems fitting.

December 3, 2008

confused this morning.
waking up to a picture text of a makeupless friend.
why does she keep sending me these pictures and why is she taking them?
i was about to send her a picture back but i fell too quickly back asleep.
then i woke up again. my shelving next to me was glowing. i turned around saw another sunrise on the 7 building through the missing blind in the window.
i wanted to take a picture of this too. share it with someone. but who. back asleep.
wake up again. i'm late.

my knees and feet always feel as weak as the floor boards when i get out of bed and they press against each other like old piano chords as i wobbly walk to the bathroom.
hi again.
you again.
here again.

i hear other people in the walls as they get ready for work. a husband and a wife borderline fighting. a piano. shuffling.
i like this relationship with them, i'm sure they hear me too. i'm sure they hear my silence, my occasional typewriting, my hangers against the bar.
it is simple. we're not asking anything of each other. we don't see each other. we can't judge each other. we don't count on what we see. we're simply functioning in some sense in our private spaces.

piano ultimately being the most romantic instrument to hear in secret. i feel calm enough to start over again