December 9, 2008

so selfish

i am a completely muddled being, so engrossed by the texture of my fingers that i never stop to feel what they have been touching. 

i ignore the patterns all around me 
it's sickening to know that there is a limitation in existence that i have planted and cultivated myself, with my own two unfeeling hands. 
how to see
how to condition oneself into sensitivity
what is the point if we aren't caring
how is that we can care in a past and forget in a future
is remembering caring?
or is it renewing your disattachment, a seal to the cold shoulder
i am delving, here i am falling
please let me land in a sea of revelations
or if not that then at least a clean break from the self induced drugs; the blindness.

i wrote this in a place i didn't mean to
somehow it seems fitting.